Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunday Morning

Now playing : Fountains of Wayne - Hey Julie

It's a cloudy Sunday morning and has been raining for 3 days straight. Intermittent but heavy. Yet I like it because it's so cooling. It has been a really long week in the office. I felt rattled and angered at times but who hasn't. Sometimes I would love to tell my troubles out loud but over the years, I've learnt to live without. Not everything can be shared and I've come to realise something over the days. The more we give something out of sincerity, the more they expect us to give every single time. My house is quiet at the moment, peaceful and quiet. Some may think that's awful but I like a cooling weather and a quiet time, curled up on my sofa drinking hot chocolate with marshmallow (I've tried that, it's simply delicious but overly sweet so I won't drink it anymore) Everybody's out, my dog is sleeping and the Sunday paper is waiting for me to read it. Oh, and the sun seems to be peeking out now.

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