Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New year, new colour

Feel like a change, so I changed the colour of my blog. Have a Happy New Year y'all. Throw away your old unfinished resolution list and come up with a new one.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


"It's only words, and words are all I have, to take your heart away", comes from a legendary song by the Bee Gees. Words are important, no doubt. Some are said to make a person happy, some are said to hurt, and some are said just for the sake of saying something. It's a God's gift to mankind. The power of speech, the wonders of words.
Too much words can be overbearing too, like my writing..I tend to say a little too much, explain a little too deeply, repeat exaggeratingly. My previous sentence is a good enough example. Many people say the wrong things at the wrong time. Silence really is golden. Some will feel that the words said have a hidden agenda. Did you know that the most powerful words are not the inspirational shit that we hear, or the lovey dovey nonsense lovers talk about? The most powerful words are the words that cannot be forgiven. The ones that hit the hardest. I've heard plenty directed to me or to people I love. Of course, it is worst when it comes from people you actually give a damn about. Some use it to pressure or threaten you coz basically they think they are just so good at talking. At the end of the day, you tell yourself you won't give a F what they say. But you know what, keep telling yourself that. It doesn't work. I won't lie to you. Words f-ing matter, especially the bad ones.
On a lighter note, Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas time is here

Now playing - I'll Be Home For Christmas

Almost every year I will say the same thing, there's just some thing about Christmas and Christmas songs that puts people in a romantic mood (I meant the walk on the street, smiling and laughing under the Christmas lights kind of mood). Or maybe it's just too much dose of movies over the years. And Christmas is usually linked to winter. I love winter. I've never actually experienced the depressing part of bitter coldness in winter which many people say that it sucks. I don't want that to spoil my fantasy of it. I only know that I loved the cool breeze of San Francisco before the actual bitter cold hits town. I'm no expert about the world, after all, I grew up in Penang, I studied in Penang, I work in Penang, maybe I will breathe my last breath in Penang and my life is just this little island. Don't get me wrong, I love home at times, anyhoo, this is not the point. 2 weeks in Sunnyvale, California don't make me no expert but it doesn't stop me from loving the short winter I had there.
Anyhoo, every year in December, one way or another I will always make it a point to listen to Christmas songs. Recently, I went and bought a Christmas album by Elvis Presley - Christmas Duets (for the sake of the spirit of Christmas) collaborating with a few of country's leading ladies like Martina McBride, Carrie Underwood to name a few. Dueting with a legend that has been dead for 3 decades is a work of modern technology, albeit, a little weird come to think of it. But hey, they could even digitally replay a 3d performance of Elvis on stage with Celine Dion, what can they not do. Heck, Elvis has been dead so long but every time I listen to his music, it is absolutely magical.
P/S: I have a thing for Christmas trees. Only coz they are so pretty...some of them anyway. A couple of years ago when I was in Singapore, I tried to take photos of every single beautifully decorated Christmas tree that I stumble upon just for the 'Kodak' moment feeling. These days I'm just too bummed to care. I look at them, I go 'oooh and aaah' and I walk away. They just don't look as pretty over here as they are over there.