Saturday, September 23, 2006

Things to do after the last day of MBA

Count down..... 0 days to go!

1. Buy my first vanilla latte from Starbucks, sit and watch people walk by.

2. Pray hard for good results.

3. Help Ding burn his books ? *this is still pending confirmation*

4. Read my brand new novels till my eyes pop out.

5. One Tree Hill and TVB Cold Blood Warm Heart marathon.

6. Spring clean my bedroom...again.

7. Apply for MPH member card.

Correction (due to special request)
9. Seafood feast *Ding, Peen, Lynn & Soon Yee let's go someday and get diarrhea for the next 3 days*
9. Try self-learn Mandarin, Spanish and revise Japanese. *what a challenge..i'm screwed*
10. Go shoe shopping.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Life is like a novel with its end ripped out

"Life is like a novel with its end ripped out". This phrase caught my attention today. It's a part of the lyrics of one of Rascal Flatt's songs. Well put...Life really is nothing but a story without an end until we finally reach the end. Yet again we won't know what the end would be...*deep*. I don't even know what I just said.
Frankly, this life journey is so unpredictable. Literally said, it's just like a novel with the end ripped out. We're happily reading a novel and we can't find the last page...what's going to happen? happy ending? No one knows. We meet all kinds of people in our lives..I know I have. And these different kinds of people either make you or break you, yet again, we wouldn't know it till the end. Sometimes things could be going so well and the next minute, we could be clawing at each other for no apparent reason. Freaky isn't it? Sometimes bad things that happen are followed by good things. Sometimes it is followed by worst things..and getting worser until you crawl into a hole and wish that you will just disappear into thin air. I hope that doesn't happen. Anyway, I think I like the thought of life being a novel with the end ripped out. I wouldn't want to know my end until the day comes because then if I had known...that would be boring. I'm definitely not the type to go sky-diving, mountain-climbing, re-creating dinosaurs or wrestling with lions, so why would I want to know how the rest of my story goes. I'd prefer it to surprise a good way that is! Like maybe I might stumble upon a winning lottery ticket, or suddenly wake up in an orange Ferrari which is mine..all mine! or...*reality check* find myself fantasizing about materialistic items and suddenly fall back down to earth to where my 5 assignments are waiting to be finished and exam waiting to be studied for and work waiting for me to crack my head on. *sigh*