Thursday, May 21, 2009

And the American Idol is...

Two words....
Ok...I'm just kidding. Kris Allen is the new American Idol. Believe it or not...but I think Adam deserved the limelight so much more so in my heart, Adam won. Cutey pie guy-next-door Kris is the new American Idol (with a dash of disappointment but it's good either way). I guess Adam's gothic-ness is too hot for AI. *sizzle* Anyhoo, better Kris than Gokey. I'm looking forward to Adam's and Kris's debut albums.
*Updates..btw I took a listen at the studio versions of the winning song 'No Boundaries'. This song was so totally made for Adam, it fits him. I hated it when I first heard it live but the song is slowly growing on me the more I listen to it.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

EPL Champions once more

Manchester United are English Premier League champions once again! Awesome-ness!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Adam vs Kris

I love this finale!! Both of my favourite contestants are in the Top 2 but I love Adam the most. If I understand correctly, it seems like Kris got more votes but good for him, he deserved it.
Next week will be a great finale to watch, 2 of the most creative and original Idol contestants this season vying for the crown. 

Monday, May 11, 2009

Top 10 songs on my Ipod, May 2009

When I have nothing to blog about but desperately want to say something, the next best thing to talk about is music. Listening to music is a little like shopping for your favourite things. It's therapeutic, the only difference is that music doesn't leave me starring shell-shocked at the credit card bill 1 month later. These are the songs that I've been very hooked on for this month in no particular order.

01. Daughtry - No Surprise : I first heard this last week on American Idol when Daughtry was performing. Damn...he's so rocker yeng! One of the best rock songs I heard these couple of weeks. Very Daughtry-ish, a little Nickelback-ish.
02. Survivor - Can't Hold Back : An old song which I heard in the movie Mall Cop. It's got all the classic 80's-90's rock feel plastered all over it.
03. Kelly Clarkson - I Want You : This song is so totally addictive. The chorus is so cool that I can't help but want to sing-along to it in the car. Her cutest song in her new album. You you you you you you , I I I I I want you..
04. Adam Lambert - If I Can't Have You : This song was originally done by Yvonne Elliman and featured in Saturday Night Fever, if I'm not overly hallucinating. Adam totally stripped down the song into a heart-breaking ballad. Love it!
05. Demi Lovato - La La Land : This is the kind of teenage-y pop song that gets my head bopping. The video is pretty cute too.
06. Marit Larsen - If A Song Could Get Me You : Yeah, I talked about it in one of my previous posts and right now, I'm still hooked on it. It's got a sunny-day-picnic-in-the-park aura, not that I've done any picnic-ing before or sat in a park without being attacked by flies and mosquitoes. It always looks better on TV.
07. Plain White T's - 1234 : One of the most creative lyrics I've heard this month. "There's only 1 thing, 2 do, 3 words, 4 you, I love you." The song itself is pretty laid back and good for easy listening.
08. Jesse McCartney - How Do You Sleep : I heard a slightly different version on the radio which stripped out some of the beats at the back and that version is nice. Catchy chorus!
09. Adam Lambert - Tracks Of My Tears : I can't get enough of this guy. I loved the live version of this song which he sang on the show. 
10. The Saturdays - Up : Girl band, girl power alert! I don't know how to describe this song except that it's got a groovy feel to it.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Go-live Announcement, Apple & Bali

Congratulations to everyone who is part of the SAP Time project team for a job well done. It has been a stressful 6 months for each person involved because everyone of us had our own individual tasks to fulfill for this project. Finally, it has been 100% live on 25 April 2009 regardless of whether pay computing has successfully started or not. I still see it as a completion of major milestone. The rest will come when it comes.
I've waited so long for this day. I've done bits and pieces of little things as a reward to myself such as getting myself the Apple keyboard on which I am gleefully typing away, a trip to Bali as a good vacation opportunity that somehow just fell on my lap without much planning needed..haha! (Thanks to my dear brother and sis-in-law for inviting us along! It's gonna be a good break where I really want to relax, have fun and not having to stress about anything at all). As egoistic as it may sound, I think I deserved it. It is MY time for once, don't nobody take it away from me.
But somehow, I've not had all the personal celebrations that I imagined. Despite all the novels I've saved up for this day, I still haven't read them. Despite the Wii, waiting for me to play but not much in the mood still. I'm thinking of what cool gadget should I get as a reward. I'm hoping if I get a good recognition ($$$) reward for our 'hard work' in this project, I might go out and get an Iphone (nah, it is good to look at, good to touch, but not so flexible to use)...or maybe Sony Ericsson Idou? It's so pretty..or maybe a phone with a keyboard. What the hell is up with me and keyboards... I'm still hoping for the $$...It's all about the $$. Yeah, stupid fantasies. I should get back to reality. Go Adam Lambert~!!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Funny people

There are people in this world who thinks and preaches their holier-than-thou speech but are blind to the fact that their selfishness and stupidness causes the very chain reaction that leads to the person that they claim they love so much to suffer the consequences of their actions.
The one who suffers may not admit so but we worry every single day for the well-being. When is this holier-than-thou person going to wake up and see that one's own selfishness to fulfil their whims and fancies but disguises it under I'm-doing-this-for-you speeches. I can't do anything about the fact that everyone is on this supposed holier-than-thou person's side but seriously, how do you sleep at night? You are a wicked, wicked, selfish person who tells lies and more lies for your own heart's benefit and is indirectly influencing the person you love to accept your point of view and willingly suffer in silence because you syok.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Heaven at the fingertips

Today, a wonderful little parcel arrived at my doorstep. It is my very own Apple keyboard. The world is so much more interesting, so much more sexier with Apple. This slim little piece of gadget oozes with awesome-ness. Yes, Apple stuff are so pricey but it sure is worth every cent. Everything is done up with such great detail. Take a look at this cookie..