Friday, February 15, 2008

Sleepless nights

Now playing : Matchbox Twenty - Leave

I hardly slept a wink the night before last night. The end result was a panda-eyed zombie sitting in the office the next morning, wide eyed, mind in outer space, tongue numb to the point of throwing up thanks to horrid torrid tasting lozenges, motionless and stifling the urge to cough uncontrollably. I coughed out a lot before I went to bed last night to relieve the feeling of phlegm stuck in my throat causing me to want to clear it every few seconds. I coughed to a point it started to hurt and I thought I had scraped the walls of my throat. At that point, I pictured myself grabbing my throat, yanking it out and scrubbing it with a toothbrush till it sparkled and re-assembling it back…in my sadistic dreams maybe.

I tossed and turned in bed as the cough and phlegm attack kept me up and the clock ticked away hour after hour, 1am…2am….3am…4am….I missed 5am, I think fell asleep finally and awoke again at 6.15am (alarm clock rang). The something-stuck-in-my-throat feeling still intact. I stumbled out of my bed and prepared for work. The drive to the office was possibly the slowest morning drive I’ve made as my mind wandered from one thought to another. Strangely, I didn’t feel sleepy at work, I just felt absolutely restless and on the verge of losing my temper trying to control the urge to cough. The nearby operations people were speaking loudly into their speaker phones as I tried to hold myself from hammering him to death whenever he said the word ‘deliveli’ (he meant ‘delivery’ by the way)

Last night, I had another sleepless night. I was so tired but I couldn't sleep. The moment I was about to doze off, I coughed, over and over. It was damn right annoying, I sat in the kitchen at 4am sipping hot water and I ended staying awake till 5am. Thank goodness I'm on leave today although strangely enough I feel quite energetic this morning.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Ushering in a new year

Here's wishing you a happy and prosperous year of the rat / rodent / mouse / tikus / hamster / mickey / minnie / ...
Where was I...oh yes, wishing you a Happy Chinese New Year and may all my dreams...oops...and your dreams come true. Cheerz~!