Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Post Exam Syndrome

Exam for one of my papers were over on Saturday. Two more subjects and I'll finally end this very tough journey. Now I'm spending the rest of the week in decline mode before the next subject starts. I spent my Sunday lazing around nursing a headache and stayed up from 2am to 5am watching World Cup finals. Later in the afternoon on Monday, I went to watch Superman with Ding. Not bad..quite a couple of funny moments too. I'm trying to cram as many songs into my head as possible for all the times that I missed and all the times that I spent worrying about assignments and exam that I couldn't even listen to music in peace. As of this moment, Jessica Simpson is pretty much yelling at the top of her lungs from my speakers. Gosh, this girl is loud! I better switch to something less dramatic before my ear drums explode and splatter all the gooey matter from my ears out. Patrizio Buanne belting out some Italian song in his smooth silky voice just did the trick. I'm just swaying to the music and enough for this post as I'm starting to feel floaty and I'm not aware anymore of what I'm typing..that's all for now before I start typing gibberish. Goodnight!

Summing up World Cup 2006

Here's my version of what I thought of this year's World Cup. Actually this World Cup was the only one that I actually paid attention to. Back in 2002, I didn't really care to watch. In 1998 I was still too caught up with NBA basketball. And I took the effort to stay up from 2am to watch the finals between Italy and France. That was really good and coincidentally, Monday was a holiday so I thank my lucky stars.
It started off with me supporting 3 teams, England, Holland and Spain. Well, it was a no-brainer that England totally got kicked out with their lacklustre display except for good work by Beckham, Ashley Cole and some others. Holland got kicked out by Portugal which was a big boo boo and Portugal went on to knock England out which was even worst considering the fact that I never liked Cristiano Ronaldo. Spain...ahh...Spain Spain Spain. They were good, young but good. I guess give them a couple more years and they'll 'blossom'.
On to the finals between Italy and France. I considered that an enjoyable game to watch because I didn't support either side and I didn't hate either side. Whoever wins, I support! *Grin*..but Italy did play well and I was pretty impressed by Fabio Cannavaro. He's really good. Aside from his good looks, he does play impressively. It's true! That's all for World Cup.
Italy are the champions of the world~!!!

Monday, July 03, 2006

End of The Road

Hail, The Great David Beckham!
Too bad, world cup hopes are dashed and over for my favourite teams England, Holland, Spain and Argentina. Beckham has stepped down as captain of England but nevertheless, he was and is still one of the best players ever and he played such a pivotal and remarkable role in England's journey in this year's World Cup.
The final four : France, Portugal, Germany and Italy. I hope France wins!