Monday, December 26, 2011

It's alive!!!!

This blog is still alive.....
I love Dunkin's choc pudding donut.
IKEA would be super cool only if you got your own little place to decorate.
I need Dexter.
I love holding my nephew.
I will never regret buying an iPhone. Phones have never been so fun.
Time should stand still for a moment.
Astro should bring in better shows.
The characters on Law & Order SVU look so dull.
There you go, all my random thoughts of the moment.

End of story

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Awesome and sweeet

Manchester United is already 3 - 0 up at halftime. FInal score is 3 - 1. The game went pretty well. Very exciting. I don't know why the papers keep harping on De Gea's initial mistakes in his 1st or 2nd game with MU. I totally disagree. He has been awesome so far. I think those are just mind games to mess with his confidence. He is living and breathing awesome. He is catching balls (no pun intended) where I didn't think he would be able to reach and I thought it would be goner for MU already. But he got to it.
Apart from that, I am not a Nani fan at all. Not at all. But his strike was superb. And Torres's big miss was the best!
Another worthy effort to stay up and watch the game.

Monday, August 29, 2011

8- 2

8 for Manchester United, 2 for Arsenal. Unbelievably awesome game! MU made it look so easy and so entertaining at the same time.
Awesomeness... Well, this was worth staying up for.

Friday, August 12, 2011





Friday, July 29, 2011

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Universe says, Screw you!

You are never right when you dream of the best and you are always right when you imagine the worst. I think it's funny how things turn out. It's like the universe is just waiting for you to make that choice and then it screws you over. Like those storybooks with options for you to choose that leads you to different endings.
No Masters degree whatsoever is going to make any difference. In this world, that piece of paper gives me hope that I can venture out into something new. But really, people don't give a flying f**k and neither do I. It's stashed somewhere in that closet of old books. 90% of the time I don't even remember that I have one.
And then the wheels start turning and everything from the past & present starts changing drastically before your eyes. And then I feel like I have pummeled down a sink hole and yet sometimes I feel like I'm riding a wave, smile on my face, the wind in my hair and then suddenly a shark pops up and rips off your ankle. People usually say don't regret anything. Well, people who are successful will say that. I'm not getting any younger and my target line is already closing in on me. Looks like I need to shift it further.
Everyone's got to have passion in life. I don't have one, I can't find it. Do you have passion and what is your passion?
P/S: I just played with an app called Mood Analyzer test and it deemed me Useless. WTF?!

Monday, June 06, 2011

Another milestone

Here we go again. Another birthday just around the corner. This year seems less of a celebration but more of a 'gawd, is it back again?' Maybe as I grow older I dread it more, or maybe I'm just in a bad mood. Or maybe coz I dislike the feeling of the end of a long weekend where I accomplished nothing, not even a bit of relaxation. Weather was hot and humid, plagued with incessant headaches. And it's back to work tomorrow. It's a busy morning with back-to-back meeting/conference call trainings and more and more things to worry about. If there is a pill that I could take that would make me chilled and cool and calm. I want it.. Who am I to complain about work anyway? I'm sure other people have much busier days...but screw it. I'm not other people and I'm grumbling to myself anyhow! I'm totally entitled to it.
What's more is that I've finished watching Glee Season 2. I've finished HIMYM and Modern Family. I'm almost done with latest season of Bones. I would say I'm having Glee/Bones/HIMYM/Modern Family-withdrawal syndrome. Meaning of life is slowly but surely seeping out of my soul once more and I'm going to be stuck with dull-coloured NCIS and Criminal Minds re-runs for the coming weekends. Furthermore, I wish they would stop showing White Collar and Burn Notice. It doesn't attract me a teeny bit. So it's a waste of time when they show it and I have nothing else to watch. In the end, I get so desperate, I watch The Kardashians. Come to think of it, sounds more like I have no life at all.
Well, it's been a long long ..whatever. I wish I can sleep the week away, have a nice long dream where I'm flying peter-pan style or wrestling with sharks. I'm not tired, I just don't really want to face the days. Maybe I'm just a bum. I am a real bum. Music helps me sleep but lately I've been listening less and less eventhough my list has grown longer and longer. People say that when you are lying in bed getting ready to sleep, you shouldn't think at all or re-cap your day in your head. I'm guilty of that, I end up getting all worked up and can't sleep. I've started playing Angry Birds recently. It's cute and it gets my eyes tired that I need to shut it and sleep comes. I never understood the draw of Angry Birds. I tried it once many months ago and deleted it. I tried it again this week and I got hooked. Damn..

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Kinda hooked

I hate to admit this but Britney Spears's new single "Till The World Ends" is head-bobbing feet-tapping infectious.... good comeback.