Sunday, December 31, 2006

Welcoming 2007

First things first, wishing all my friends a happy new year. No wait...happy new year is so yesterday. Wishing all my friends a rockin, hip-hopping, high-flying, ass-kicking 2007~!!!
Now, my new year resolutions. Mine is simple. No more point 1,2,3,4,5...and so on which I can never keep. Basically, I just want to have a great time, to make money and to be happy and healthy. Cheers!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas y'all!!!
...and a Happy New Year

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Here's what I found out about gelatine, it is created via long term boiling of connective tissues including cartilage and skin of animals such as cattle. Apparently it's a protein which when cooled, is formed into some kind of gel that is semi solid. Thank you Wikipedia.
So basically, the thing that I'm chewing on right apple flavoured chewable candy where part of its contents are gelatine as well as ice cream, jam, apple juice, margarine and so on which do sometimes contain gelatine. In other words, I've been chewing on cow hide for all my life. Well, you won't get anything but a soft sigh from me on this fact because although I'm Buddhist but I have occasionally gone down the beef eating path. Like last night, I just had an A&W Mozza burger. So eating this candy made from gelatine that comes from - I suspect - cows, is actually not a big problem for me. I may have sinned a little but who hasn't right?
The problem is I can't get this thought out of my head. You know what that thought is? Ok, read this on home-made items: unflavored gelatin can be made into cheaper versions of hair styling gel. The thought of what I'm eating now can actually be turned into hair gel is not exactly a pretty thought. Just imagine eating hair gel...not literally, but really...think about it. Gooey..

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Why the insult?

Help me out here...I'm having trouble understanding why women are constantly put-down and insulted here and still the sources manage to turn it around and say that it is for the good of women. I'm still shocked at reading about the news on a suggestion to give polygamy awards to men who are willing to take single mothers as wives. *jaw drop* I don't understand it. Is it a joke? Single mothers don't need the pity of men and don't need to be drawn into a relationship..a marriage..which is just a sham..which is just based on rewards. That's not love. Mother nature will be fainting right now. I think for some single mothers, they are even happier being a single mum, despite financial problems. At least they are not tied down by husbands who bully them, and they have the freedom to pursue the things they like in life rather than being controlled by a man. Nevertheless, single mothers..women, have a right to choose and not to be chosen like an object - a thing. Omigosh!
And what about another thing I read recently about advice given to women that they should behave properly at work and not to neglect their families in pursuit of career success. Duh! This is not 'how to be a woman 101'. Every grown up woman knows how to think for themselves and behave accordingly. Why is it that women are told to behave themselves and not to neglect their families and men are not told to do that. Is it ok for men to neglect their children but not ok for women to do so? Every mother, every father should love their children and they can decide for themselves the best method of handling work-life balance. It is unfair that men are not told to give priority to family and women must give priority to family. Responsibility doesn't fall on women only, what happen to gender equality?! I hope we have not become the laughing-stock of the world when outsiders read these things.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

The harmonica

I'm getting restless and my fingers are itching for some action besides the constant tapping of the keyboard and clicking of the mouse. I've been playing around with the thought of learning up another musical instrument. Not that I have mastered my where near that but it's getting a little tiring carrying it around. I'm a tiny person and the guitar is overbearing. I'm interested in learning something new...something smaller, less stretching, portable...something like a harmonica! That's it! Though, I don't think it's easy to learn. I mean imagine putting that thing in your mouth and sliding it side to side and twisting and tangling your tongue just to get the right sound. But I'm really into it and have been for many years, I just never got to a point where I can independently say, hey I wanna learn it. Now I have...but I think one major obstacle I'd have to get past is the thought of covering that piece of instrument with all my saliva and drooling while learning it. Hmm..worst case scenario, I could settle for a flute..


As you can see, I've gotten pretty a point that I was bored with the design of my blog. I've replaced my flamboyant blue and yellow with ..just plain blue. How blue it looks now...and why the hell did I even do that. Now I miss my old colours. I spent so much time customizing it last time. Well, I guess this doesn't look too bad, but it lacks something...something in the form of my identity. Crap, now it looks like any other blog of any other people who happen to choose this template. Damn it...I need to add some 'oomph' to this.