Sunday, April 18, 2010

R.I.P. PodPod

I bought my Ipod Classic more than a year ago and it was a joy to use. It has more capacity than I would ever get to fill but this lovely little thing helps me sleep at night. Then…I killed it. That fateful night, a couple of weeks ago. Pod Pod was plugged in and innocently lying on my desk. For some reason, I turned in my seat trying to get something from my bed and my giant leg swiped the USB cable, pulling my Pod Pod from the top of my table to its death on my cold hard tiled floor. I heard a loud smack. I froze. Then I went Oh My F-ing God! F F F F F F! I picked it up, I heard it whirring over and over. I was like going on along the lines of omg, omg, omg, omg, please work, please work, omg, shit, shit, shit, omg, omg. Sadly, it was stuck. It couldn’t boot, it just kept whirring in and out of consciousness. Out of desperation, I whacked it on the palm of my hand but it didn’t help. Nor did it do any good to my palm. The next day, I googled for help. Many forums suggested re-dropping it. Apparently it works for many. Alas, there was hope! I dropped it on the carpeted floor, not once, not twice…3 times. My hands quivered as I tried starting it up after each drop. Didn’t work. Genius! I ceased and called it a day on the dropping activity in case my colleagues thought I had gone cuckoo. (tried that again when I got home…no, it didn’t work also). Finally, I took it to the shop and tried to get them to fix it but I was told, my harddisk is bonkers already. I would need to pay RM500+ to get a replacement.

I thought about it. I was planning to get an Ipod Touch later this year or the next year. Why would I want to spend another 500 bucks for this now. After a couple of days of pondering and saying my goodbyes to Pod Pod, then it was the birth of my Ipod Touch. End of story.

And yes, that's Adam Lambert. I HEART HIM. Maybe I'll blog about the pathetic group of Idol contestants in the latest season after this. I miss Adam Lambert. American Idol Season 9 is sooo boring (except for an occasional few good performances that gave me bits of chills) and I used to like Kara as a judge but gawd, she's so annoying and fake this season. That crying bit she did to one of Big Mike's performances felt so ultra fake. It's like someone said, hey, a judge needs to cry this season since we lost, someone please cry. Yeah, whatever, what do I know, it's show biz.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I'm liking his music very much. Very acoustic, indie songs.