Friday, October 14, 2005

Green is Good

Look-ie here...a pretty little plant. It just looks cute so I couldn't resist posting a photo of it for everyone to savour.
This is a very pleasant gift from my colleague a few days back and I promised to try to keep alive as long as I possibly can, so I'm taking good care of it every day. I do admit I'm not a green-finger person and usually even the better death-resistant plants would succumb fatally in my hands, but I think this little fella will come out just fine! Trust me!

1 comment:

Soon Yee said...

hi mel.. cute plant! ;) hehe.. i've never had green fingers either! every plant that had the misfortune to be cared by me, met it's sad end one way or another..
anyways, u think ur plant will grow real big?? it'll outgrow it's little cup!