Friday, June 22, 2007

Dreams, jam and omellete

Now playing : Dixie Chicks - Taking The Long Way Around

Thank God it's Friday! I woke up this morning following a nice dream. I can't remember what it was but it felt nice. Since I'm on the topic of dreams right now, did you realise..or maybe it's just me, that while I'm sleeping with a full bladder, of course I wouldn't realise I'm having a full bladder. Anyway, in such a situation I will always get dreams of me searching high and low for toilets. In my dreams, I've been to the best toilets ever and the worst ones also. I've been to exclusive looking washrooms as well as some really dirty looking toilets like the ones I used to have in my school. Awful! I guess the mind subconsciously plays out the scene for you depending on your feeling at the moment.
So, where was I? Oh yes, I woke up from a nice dream and prepared myself for work. Today was just usual, problems still unsolved..yada yada yada. My colleague sent me a link to a mind boggling, intelligence (or lack of) testing game and it has about 20 levels, I'm stuck at level 9. It's pretty fun. After lunch I was talking to my friend about where I was stuck and then we sort of went through it together for a couple of minutes till level 9 and I tuned out because I had other things to do suddenly. Anyway, the puzzle at level 9 is "Numbers of emergency calls". The clue is "Don't press repeatedly" So what is it? 911? 999? 9? 0? None of it is correct. Help me out here if you can.
Today is also a day of traffic jams. We were on our way to Tesco for lunch and the road in front of Queensbay was jammed. Why? Police road block, as always they like to do it and the wrong place at the wrong time. After work, everywhere was jammed such as coastal road, the elevated highway and even Yeap Chor Ee was bumper-to-bumper. Day of strawberry jam. When I got back home, I was busy checking my office mails because I was waiting for an email and I had a sudden craving for omellete again (I was thinking of eggs after having a brief email chat with Peen in the morning about food), so I made myself a ham omellette. Yummy.. My Friday has almost effectively come to a close. Hope you had a great one!


Anonymous said...

Numbers of emergency calls, which country are you referring to?

for US is still 911.
for Spain 091.
For Belgium 101.

Khunie Singh said...

Could be 112 or just a simple asterik *