Sunday, November 20, 2005

The hills are alive~~!

with the sound of music.....
I cannot imagine how many times I've watched the movie : The Sound Of Music (starred by Julie Andrews as the girl-who-wants-to-be-a-nun/governess and Christopher Plummer as the dashing Captain Von Trapp). Countless times since years ago. I'm still hooked on it, yea..laugh all you want. I watched it again on Saturday afternoon with my grandpa. Excellent...the greatest movie ever made, together with my other favourites Grease and Jurassic Park. I know the latter one is a little out of place. Musicals VS dinosaurs with sharp teeth biting people's head off. Interesting perspective though. Now imagine a T-Rex walking down main street with the sounds of Staying Alive by the Bee Gees playing in the background. Whoops...that would be Saturday Night Fever. I've gotten it mixed up with Grease. Nevertheless, anything with John Travolta in it is a winner. In the words of the Von Trapp children (in case you didn't know or you have been living in a nutshell missing out on such a great movie such as Sound of Music, Von Trapp is the family name for the family portrayed in that movie) - So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu.

1 comment:

Soon Yee said...

i love the "sixteen going on seventeen" song ;) though i'm waaaaay past that age already *ahem* ahahaha... i love grease too!! you and i.. hopeless for broadways and musicals eh? tell u this.. i have NEVER watched Jurassic Park before... can u imagine? hehehe...