Monday, November 16, 2009

A toast to this f**ked up day

What a f**ked up day it is. What stupid monthly maintenance downtime?! It is giving people nothing but issues. Everytime there's a downtime, something will go wrong whenever the system is back up again. Am I suppose to follow-up this crap shit every single month? What difference does it make staying with the stupid dinosaur system or this?!
I'm hungry, I'm tired, I'm sick of my life and I just want to eat and I don't f**king care about that weight...this is a grand way to cap a miserable couple of weeks that have been nothing but shit for me. It has been all f**ked up weeks in every aspect!


Michael Bolton said...

Ah girl...chill..

Joanne Jerrica said...

Chill chill... U are not alone, I am here with u. :)
Hang it there! Go on a long vacation and get ur ass out of there. ;)
The world seems a better place after I returned from my vacation. :) it feels great to take one's mind off work and all the cares in the world for a few days.