Monday, July 16, 2007

TVB series

Now playing : Duran Duran - Ordinary World

I've just completed watching 2 very nice Hong Kong TVB series. The first one is Heart of Greed, starring Moses Chan as a nerdy guy but smart in business. There are quite a number of big names in there too, the picture speaks for itself. He operates an abalone business..a family business and his father has 2 wives. So imagine the typical chaos in a chinese story involving more than 1 wives. Of course add in a really wealthy father, 4 children (1 of them is a product of extra marital affair, 2 is from the first wive, 1 from the second wife) At least for this show, all the 4 children are the good ones versus the evil stepmother. Oh, the 2nd wife is a real mean witch here. The series revolves around the abalone business, jealousy and after the death of the first wife, all hell breaks lose because of fortune. It's also sort of a comedy drama. Moses's character with his nickname 'tak tak tei' is really funny. Some parts are so sad and touchy..I even shed some tears. It has a good ending, though short ending. 'tak tak tei' just flashes a big diamond ring to his love and they run off into the night and The End.
Another series which I just finished watching is The Green Grass of Home. This one is a funny show. Have you noticed that most TVB series are quite educational also. Seems like each series highlights different jobs/careers/industries. I mean, yes...usually it's around love, family, money and stuff but it is based on a particular job. Each series usually introduces a particular industry to us. So far I've seen different jobs in different TVB shows such as stockbroking, abalone sales, airline, firefighting, police, forensics, car maker (there's a new one coming The Drive of Life about car makers), banking, IT, entertainment, wholesalers, food & beverage and the list goes on. This one The Green Grass of Home highlights the jobs of interior designers, construction and farmers. It's a funny romantic show with a good ending. I enjoyed it and I love the theme song also which is sung by Leo Ku.

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