Thursday, July 18, 2013

I can't fix it, ok?

I am a worry-freak by nature. Throw a problem that I can't solve at me and I worry all day.
I just want to enjoy my lunch. The only me time I truly have. I don't need to be bogged down by 3 problems that I can't control and can't fix even if no matter how hard I try. 3 very things that will keep me up at night and for many nights to come because I can't fix it. 3 things that really come to think of it, is caused by stupidity and rigidness.
Give me a break...I thought the problem was solved. Why are we digging up new ones before we can even enjoy the fruits of the earlier solution? Have I not have enough things to worry about in my life? I don't have the freedom to decide the course of my life. Give me a f*cking  break! I don't need a problem that I can't fix just because someone decides to be silly! People are coming at me from all angles wherever I decided to park my ass. 

1 comment:

J said...

Hope things are getting better for you... stay strong