Sunday, December 27, 2009

Out of office for a week

I'm gonna be off work for a week. Not by choice anyway but not saying that I would choose to be at work also, yiisshh WTF right? I'm hoping for cloudy days so my plan is to just crash at home and watch endless marathons of shows. I can picture myself at the end of the week, unkempt, wide-eyed, groggy and a little bit stoned. Besides just being couch potato and relaxing with me time at home in the quiet peace and comfort and also bask in the fact that a monkey-poop is out of my sight, so besides that I might just get a few important things done.
1. Call the banks and cancel cards. (I hate dealing with them, douchebag horrible service)
2. Shop for belated Christmas gifts...yea yea I know Xmas is over, shush.
3. Do something with my hair, maybe a whole Kristen Stewart-ish theme.
4. Go to the gym...will try anyway.
5. Have to work on Thursday.
6. Jobstreet, jobstreet, jobstreet.

Basically I don't have much valuable stuff to attend to besides those. I'm just really looking forward to just tv time and sorting out my thoughts. These past couple of months have not been great. All those nights, starring wide-eyed at the ceiling trying to get some sleep but ended up hyperventilating. My thoughts on my career..or lack of, my bleak future, stay or leave Penang, life in's all crazy at times.

Shortnote: My f*cking office pc seems to be turned off, I can't connect and I have to go into office to turn the f*cking thing on. I shouldn't even care at all.


iJo.C said...

I'm all for the Kristen Stewart look!! Shld look good on u, since u do bear some resemblance to her. But u are still one if a kind (my unique banana!) :)) hahaha... Enjoy this week to unwind, relax and recharge. I knw what it means to lie in bed and unable to sleep, lotsa thots gg thru ur mind and stuff. Well, I just hope that u can finally get some peace and a well deserved rest. Have fun with the show marathon and the unkempt look! :P

btw, i'll be back in office tmr to clear some work for half a day (cross fingers, I hope I wun stay beyond tt), then I'm gone enjoying myself for the rest of the week. Cya in 2010!! Happy New Year, in advance!

And keep the posts coming!

Jia you for everything that u set ur heart upon.

From ur greatest fan :))


Richard Marx said...

Megan Fox also can.....