Saturday, December 09, 2006

The harmonica

I'm getting restless and my fingers are itching for some action besides the constant tapping of the keyboard and clicking of the mouse. I've been playing around with the thought of learning up another musical instrument. Not that I have mastered my where near that but it's getting a little tiring carrying it around. I'm a tiny person and the guitar is overbearing. I'm interested in learning something new...something smaller, less stretching, portable...something like a harmonica! That's it! Though, I don't think it's easy to learn. I mean imagine putting that thing in your mouth and sliding it side to side and twisting and tangling your tongue just to get the right sound. But I'm really into it and have been for many years, I just never got to a point where I can independently say, hey I wanna learn it. Now I have...but I think one major obstacle I'd have to get past is the thought of covering that piece of instrument with all my saliva and drooling while learning it. Hmm..worst case scenario, I could settle for a flute..


Soon Yee said...

hehehe... i've always wanted to learn how to play the guitar and until today the only thing i know how to do is to tug lightly at the strings!

try going for the flute ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Mel,

Long time no see. Well. just happen to drop by here when I do nothing.

How's life over there? You still work in AMD right?

It's great to hear that you've mastered your guitar. Last time I said I wanted to learn guitar, but until today still no action yet. Come out all my excuses as well. Well, sometimes also feel bored if you learn by your own, right? I got the guitar book anyway. Also just keep it. haha.. Ok, reply soon. Are you in Penang now?

Anonymous said...

Interesting link about guitar solo, maybe you like it or not.