Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Here's what I found out about gelatine, it is created via long term boiling of connective tissues including cartilage and skin of animals such as cattle. Apparently it's a protein which when cooled, is formed into some kind of gel that is semi solid. Thank you Wikipedia.
So basically, the thing that I'm chewing on right apple flavoured chewable candy where part of its contents are gelatine as well as ice cream, jam, apple juice, margarine and so on which do sometimes contain gelatine. In other words, I've been chewing on cow hide for all my life. Well, you won't get anything but a soft sigh from me on this fact because although I'm Buddhist but I have occasionally gone down the beef eating path. Like last night, I just had an A&W Mozza burger. So eating this candy made from gelatine that comes from - I suspect - cows, is actually not a big problem for me. I may have sinned a little but who hasn't right?
The problem is I can't get this thought out of my head. You know what that thought is? Ok, read this on home-made items: unflavored gelatin can be made into cheaper versions of hair styling gel. The thought of what I'm eating now can actually be turned into hair gel is not exactly a pretty thought. Just imagine eating hair gel...not literally, but really...think about it. Gooey..

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