Saturday, September 23, 2006

Things to do after the last day of MBA

Count down..... 0 days to go!

1. Buy my first vanilla latte from Starbucks, sit and watch people walk by.

2. Pray hard for good results.

3. Help Ding burn his books ? *this is still pending confirmation*

4. Read my brand new novels till my eyes pop out.

5. One Tree Hill and TVB Cold Blood Warm Heart marathon.

6. Spring clean my bedroom...again.

7. Apply for MPH member card.

Correction (due to special request)
9. Seafood feast *Ding, Peen, Lynn & Soon Yee let's go someday and get diarrhea for the next 3 days*
9. Try self-learn Mandarin, Spanish and revise Japanese. *what a challenge..i'm screwed*
10. Go shoe shopping.


Soon Yee said...

what about me!?!? what about me!?!?

Soon Yee said...

now... THAT's more like it ;)
the BIG day is coming!~