Saturday, July 16, 2011

Universe says, Screw you!

You are never right when you dream of the best and you are always right when you imagine the worst. I think it's funny how things turn out. It's like the universe is just waiting for you to make that choice and then it screws you over. Like those storybooks with options for you to choose that leads you to different endings.
No Masters degree whatsoever is going to make any difference. In this world, that piece of paper gives me hope that I can venture out into something new. But really, people don't give a flying f**k and neither do I. It's stashed somewhere in that closet of old books. 90% of the time I don't even remember that I have one.
And then the wheels start turning and everything from the past & present starts changing drastically before your eyes. And then I feel like I have pummeled down a sink hole and yet sometimes I feel like I'm riding a wave, smile on my face, the wind in my hair and then suddenly a shark pops up and rips off your ankle. People usually say don't regret anything. Well, people who are successful will say that. I'm not getting any younger and my target line is already closing in on me. Looks like I need to shift it further.
Everyone's got to have passion in life. I don't have one, I can't find it. Do you have passion and what is your passion?
P/S: I just played with an app called Mood Analyzer test and it deemed me Useless. WTF?!

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