Saturday, July 11, 2009

Top 10 songs on my Ipod, July 2009

Why does time fly by so fast? It was like I just posted the June list not too long back. It is kinda depressing seeing the time ticking so fast, watching my life slip away, dreading the ever-dreading. At times like this, what's a girl like me to do but to turn to music... I will dream to make a music room next time in the distant future. My escape room where my walls will be covered with book shelves and CD shelves. I will paint the walls a maroon red or sky blue with marble tiled floor. And a comfy sofa in the middle of the room, giant headphones. In the corner will be my computer table and a hifi set. The 4 corners of the room will be 4 Bose speakers hanging on the wall. The room will be dimly lit when I want to relax and side table lamp where I can read. All that would be missing is a fireplace, seeing that Malaysia is a sauna by itself...I can pretty much forget about sitting curled up in front of a fireplace sipping hot chocolate. Now back to the list...
01. Martina McBride - Wrong Baby Wrong Baby Wrong : Catchy song, cool lyrics. Once you hear it, you can't forget it.
02. Martina McBride - I Just Call You Mine : Took me a while to find this song. I heard it a while back on the radio and I kept thinking it was Faith Hill or Le Ann Rimes until recently I made a lucky guess.
03. Adam Lambert - Want : This is NOT his new single by the way. I read that this is a song he recorded before all the Idol hoopla.
04. Rick Astley - She Wants To Dance With Me : A very old song that kinda strikes a chord. I never really noticed it much and it has been playing on the radio for a long time now until suddenly, one day, maybe because of my mood, I heard it again and it just sucked me in.
05. Tinted Windows - Dead Serious : Btw, Tinted Windows is a super-group (this how they call it if it's a combination of well-known artist from different bands collaborating to form a band, I think). The lead singer is Taylor Hanson from the Hanson brothers band..still remember them? The Mmmbop fellas. Another member is someone from Smashing Pumpkins and they have other members from some other band which I frankly I don't even care. This song is infectious. It's one my ringtones too.
06. Peter Andre - Mysterious Girl : Not sure if you still remember this guy. Famous for this one song and keeps prancing around topless in his videos. He's got a good bod, I admit but that was the 90s.
07. Jessie James - Wanted : I thought Jessie James was a guy until I heard this song. Yeah it's a girl. It sounds like a mixture of Christina Aguilera in the 90s plus some modern feel in this single.
08. Keith Urban - Thank You : Yeah yeah, I'm still hooked on this. Who can't be? Makes me want to be in Nicole Kidman's shoes.
09. Adam Lambert - Mad World : Gosh, Adam in a trench coat singing this song. He is so HOT. I don't care if he's gay. He's hot.
10. Human Nature - Midnight Train To Georgia : Listening to this cover version makes me want to take a midnight train to Georgia.

1 comment:

Joanne Jerrica said...

love your playlist!! :)
one of the bestest & coolest around!