Sunday, February 22, 2009

It's not just a book, it's a story

Since the start of 2009 I have read 3 books if I checked correctly. Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer, My Best Friend's Girl by Dorothy Koomson and Marley & Me written by Josh Grogan. These 3 books are really good buys and it's gonna stay top 3 for this couple of months till I can find others to challenge it. They have something in common, they all managed to inject realistic jokes and humour in the story that made them so enjoyable. Just 30 minutes ago, I finished Marley & Me (you know, the book about a family and their crazy dog), at first with the sole determination to know the story before I watched the movie. But after a couple of pages, I was instantenously hooked. It's everything in one story- funny, mischievous, touching, romantic, cute, tear-jerking madness and sadness. I'm not surprised that it's such a popular book because pet owners relate to it somehow. There's definitely at least one familiarity in the story that one has experienced while raising their dogs. I can't help but feel a sudden urge to want to give my stinky dog an extra hug or a head rub everytime I put down that book. I'm slightly embarassed to say that I actually laughed (softly) to myself while reading it and towards the end, basically I shed real tears as I kinda know the feeling of what the author was telling in his story. Not as if I can control my tears..*going on the defensive* just overpowered me out of the blue.
My fellow girlfriends, you girls wanna read it? I think you'll love it. You'll devour the book like how Marley devoured everything in its way. P/S..yesterday I bought Confessions of A Shopaholic, because I wanted to read it before the movie reaches our shores.....and also because it was on sale (30% discount!).

1 comment:

J said...

omigod... 30% discount? where did you get it? I am thinking of buying it and read it before the movie is out....