Pile of shit
This morning I was about to go to work when I found this unpleasant surprise from one of my neighbourhood resident's cats (or illegitimate offsprings of this bloody cat a.k.a. strays!) ON MY FRICKIN DOORSTEP! If one does not have the frickin mental capability (a.k.a. common sense/akal) to keep one's frickin cats inside their frickin house so that the frickin cat can't go out and shit at other people's doorstep or if one does not have the frickin brains to bloody neuter their stupid cats in order for it not to go hump other cats/get humped.....DON'T FRICKIN HAVE ONE!! Hey cat owner, I really hope your frickin dinner looks like this. So have a shit feast on me!
aIKS. That is very geli ler
u want me to settle the cat for u?? i can bring some "goodies" dipped with rat poison over for the cat. hehehe. that will be the END of the cat
ding is evil!!!
but those are one heck of a lousy way for a morning..
but seriously.. i really DO NOT like cats either..
I m not evil. I m providing a permanent sollution to the problem
Look at it this way. the death of one cat can probably prevent a few hundred batches of kitten
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